Conference Themes

Theme 1: “Business analytics in diagnostics and management of financial risks”

Theme is devoted to discussion of scientific and applied problems of analytical support, diagnostics, control and management of financial risks of business and state.

Theme 2: “Risk-Oriented Approach in Audit of Financial and Economic Activities”.

The theme proposes to discuss the issues of application of risk-based approach in external and internal audit at different stages of the audit, the effectiveness of this approach in the analysis and audit of individual business operations.

Topic 3: “Financial Market Risk Management”

The theme deals with the practical aspects of risk management in individual segments of the financial market, as well as the non-financial sector. The questions of risk identification and risk minimization in the stock market, in the organization of non-cash settlements, peculiarities of financial control in the Social Security and Pension Funds, as well as insurance risk management mechanisms in mortgage lending, international trade and fuel industry are on the agenda.

Topic 4: “Manager’s Emotional Intelligence in Situations of Risk and Uncertainty”.

The aim of this section is to familiarize the participants with the results of international research in the field of using “emotional intelligence” in managing risk situations, and to discuss the practice of interdisciplinary research in solving economic problems. In the section proposed for discussion: emotional intelligence in management, the importance of emotional intelligence in the effectiveness of the leader and the decision-making process in situations of risk and uncertainty.

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